Saturday, July 08, 2006
Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Christian sacred sites in Jerusalem are locations associated with the life and death of Jesus. Most important among these is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, originally built by Constantine in 335 as a memorial to Christ’s resurrection. It is believed to contain the two most revered sites of Christianity: the hill where Jesus was crucified and the tomb where he was buried and rose from the dead. A stone slab by the doorway is said to be the resting place of Jesus’ body after he was executed for his beliefs and teachings.
Today was an amazing trip to the place I've copy and pasted a description of above. It was so beautiful - I had heard it was an awful sort of tourist attraction but it was actually quite lovely. I went with Julie, Jake, and one of his friends from class, Kevin. We walked down into the Old City from our dorms at Hebrew University, and it was such an interesting dichotomy coming from our dorm rooms to the most holy place in the Christian religion, and just walking there. I bought some souvenirs for friends and family before buying a faaabulous cinnamon roll and catching a cab back to the dorms. It was a very humbling day, if I do say so myself.
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stupid comment, but you look like you lost weight. Stop it my child! I know that they give jews food now. (oh man, do you still have your sense of humor, because if not that would be a very mean joke. well.. i hope you do, if not sorry). I miss you!
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