Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Israeli troops enter Lebanon

I'm not so much a fan of being in Israel at this very moment. Two more soldiers have been kidnapped along the Lebanese border by Hezbollah and the Israeli government, seeing as how Hezbollah is a major player in Lebanese politics, has viewed this move as an act of war between the two states, as opposed to a terrorist act. Israel has stated that the Lebanese government will be held responsible for the actions of Hezbollah in this case, and this opens up a northern front along with the one on the Gaza border. The northern border has been comprimised, and people are being told to stay inside as rockets have been fired in the past few hours, killing and wounding civilians.

This means a few things for me.
A) I'm a bit freaked out, I'm not going to lie.
B) There goes my trip up north this weekend.
C) This of course happens while Jake and I are here. Things couldn't just stay peaceful.
D) I'm still avoiding the buses for the most part, although I am taking one tomorrow to go to the market and back.

That's all the news fit to print.. If anything happens I'll make sure to get to a computer ASAP and blog that I'm okay - but my phone will be on as well, however I don't know if circuts go down here after an emergency (i.e. after 9/11 and the blackouts cell towers overloaded with calls). It's strange, none of the Israelis are even blinking an eye about these latest developments...

In other, more pleasant news... Ulpan is going great. It's going slower than I would like it to, we have our second test tomorrow which I shall be studying for for about four hours tonight. The last one I got a 98 on, and I'd like to repeat that grade if possible. Leemore is in Jerusalem and she's coming up to Hebrew Univ in a little while, we'll hang out for an hour and eat some falafel. :)

I love Bethany!!
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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