Sunday, July 16, 2006
"The situation."

Things here, as the Provost said, are indeed business as usual. I'm going to be honest, but, thankfully most of that will be reassuring to the MANY people that have begged me to come home. The conflict has not expanded past Lebanon, and it doesn't look as if it will, as Syria or Iran would have come to their aid days ago. The real danger is to Haifa and north, which is two hours north of where I am now. Tel Aviv to Haifa are on alert. However, in Jerusalem, especially on Mt. Scopus, I am in the safest place in Israel - no joke. During the 94 Gulf War, when scuds were attacking Tel Aviv, they always passed over Jerusalem, because there is a large Arab population with some of the most holy sites in Islam here. My campus is surrounded by Arab villages. The greatest danger to Israelis at the moment are rockets, however, these rockets have a limited range, and the longest they could POSSIBLY reach, as far as Israeli intelligence is aware, is Tel Aviv.
The meeting today was highly uninformative, as to evacuation plans and the what not. I do not feel safe leaving my decision to leave up to Hebrew University. I do not think they have kept us abreast of information or developments at all, and I realised that it was a very hands off program from the second I got out of the taxi here and there were no signs or directions. The meeting today only increased that assumption. Their way of trying to make us feel safe was saying "don't worry, we have gas masks and bomb shelters, and we can just conduct class down there." If the decision has to be made to leave, it will be up to me. My fear is that I will come to the decision that it IS, in fact, time to leave, but every other American will come to that conclusion at the same time I do, and flights will book up. However, I have registered with the American Embassy here, and I trust that accomidations will be made in the event that I need to evacuate immediately. I have some thresholds in which, if they are crossed, I will leave:
If the conflict expands past Lebanon into Syria or Iran.,
If the West Bank flares up.,
If suicide bombings begin to occur on a regular basis.
My decision to stay or leave has been made and unmade about three times already. The question is do I stay for my August program or not, without question I will make every effort to stay through the month of July and finish my Jerusalem ulpan. Right now, however, I would really like to stay, and I will be watching the latest developments in order to help me make that decision. If things stay as is or improve, I will stay until September 1st. I have until August 8th to decide if I want to stay, and I will be watching the news closely in order to help me make that decision. I won't be a martyr, if I decide things are dangerous I will be fighting to get on a plane out. But right now, in Jerusalem, there is very little danger. However, I knew coming here that this wasn't the safest corner of the world, and that things could very well heat up. This was a risk I was aware I was taking before I came, and I did not believe then, nor do I believe at this moment that the risk is too great.
I'm available via cell phone, I'm on AIM a lot, I check my e-mail as much here as I did back home (aka a million times a day). Please, don't worry too much. Easier said than done, but there it is. What is being shown on American TV is very overblown. If you can't stand to watch the news, don't. I appreciate all of your concern and input, however, my decision to stay or leave will, of course be impacted by all of you, however I alone can and will make that choice, and it cannot be made for me by family, friends, or boyfriends. This is not directed towards anyone in particular, but more to everyone. I have heard everyone's opinion that has one - and there are a lot. I'm taking them all into consideration.
Much love from the holy land.
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Heres what i have to say: Do what you think is best for yourself. As you said, only you can make that decision - its your life, and your journey. And, as far as I can tell, its been a beautiful journey thus far. You will only continue to grow and learn about the person that you are, and the person that you want to be. I can't tell you how proud I am of you. Try not to be a martyr... that would suck, but I support you in whatever decision you make. We are always loved by someone, support by someone, but at the end of the day we are alone. I dont mean this in a sad way, its actually very moving - at least for me. Your life is yours, and yours only. Respect others, but always remember that, in the end, your live with your decisions. I dont think i really needed to say this... your my other-half and so im sure you already know this stuff... but, blah. I love you bethany fucking shondark. Wish you were a lesbian... hey, i wish I was a lesbian. haha. But that turned out to be false. miss you!
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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