Friday, July 14, 2006
Typing to the music of artillery shells...

It's crazy how a few days ago I never would have thought that I'd be seriously considering not doing my August program. But I'm seriously considering it. CNN Headline: Hezbollah ready for 'open war'. I can hear, what I hope is just practice, shells being set off. Last night they sounded like they were right down the mountain. I called my grandparents last night to reassure them, but they ended up reassuring me. Granted, I'm really freaked out right now, but I don't want to put out the impression that I'm debilitated by fear and that I don't go out and have fun - because I do. Tonight I went to what I suppose is Chabad House for Hebrew University and had "Shabbos dinner" - which was fairly awful, but food is food. And when it's free I can't really complain. If fighting moves beyond Lebanon, or if it moves into the West Bank, I think I'm going to leave. Sorry, this is sort of scattered. Today we went into the Old City, we were going to walk the ramparts, but it's apparently closed on Fridays, so we might go tomorrow. We (Gavin, Josh and Jake) went to the Church of the HS because I had to pick up something for a friend, and Josh and Gavin had never been before. We had a great time walking around, and I finished my souvenir shopping, and picked up a tshirt and Hebrew University sweatshirt for myself. The military presence was unreal, there were soldiers with guns when we turned every corner, and the mood was very tense around the Arab quarter, I can't imagine what it was like inside. It's a very interesting time to be here, I'll say that.
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We are dying every time we hear about conflicts in your backyard. Why don't you play it safe and come back to the US? (You'll get the credits back, in time.) We would be happy to have you for the month and you can pop into DC now and then to see Greg, if you like. Otherwise, you can go up to NY for a bit as well. Everyone at home is on pins and needles until you return. Israel may be fun but it loses it's appeal when there's mayhem in the neighborhood.
Love, Sal, Linda and Neil
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We are dying every time we hear about conflicts in your backyard. Why don't you play it safe and come back to the US? (You'll get the credits back, in time.) We would be happy to have you for the month and you can pop into DC now and then to see Greg, if you like. Otherwise, you can go up to NY for a bit as well. Everyone at home is on pins and needles until you return. Israel may be fun but it loses it's appeal when there's mayhem in the neighborhood.
Love, Sal, Linda and Neil
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