Wednesday, June 13, 2007



Here are some annoying things so far:

I fell down the stairs today. My butt hurts. Pinky hurts. My arm hurts. Ugh. So embarassing.

I have a student in my last class that started today. It used to be a good class. Then he came. He interupted me no more than five times to ask me my "qualifications". He after class asked me to come to an evangelical concert that his church was throwing. He asked me if I was a Christian, and when I said no, he looked disgusted. And when I told him that I'm Jewish, absolutely revolted. He then told me I should follow the "New" system, not the "Old" system, referring to the books of the Bible. I was so angry. I just walked away and said "Okay, bye!"

I just walked into an internet cafe and I was hijacked for about 40 minutes by two adorable little girls and their family, and they were practicing their English with me, which was quite good. They were looking at all my pictures with me, and they decided that Greg is "very pretty" and they like Montreal more than New York.

So I'm going to try and finish this work that I have and get out of here this century.

It's amazing how pervasive Christianity is here. The bad kind. The two girls just walked over to me with a story written by a Christian group here about how all of the Buddhists (98% of Cambodians are) are going to Hell. Ugh.

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