Monday, June 09, 2008
Volcanoes, Bats, and Lava, Oh My!
Yesterday was great fun. We started out by climbing a steaming volcano, and then climbing its inactive brother. We were told when we signed up for the tour that we would be going to a bat cave. But with all the Batman jokes, none of us seemed to realise that there would be actual bats there. I was freaking out a wee bit, thankfully I had my poncho to protect me. We climbed through another cave, which was deep and quite scary. We then went down to look at the lava of the first volcano, but from afar. The trip was from 5-8pm and by the time we ate dinner and got back to the hostel, we passed out at 9:30, because we´re little old ladies. Today we´re going swimming in the lowest point in Central America in a crater before taking a boat, which I will most certainly vomit on, to Isla de Ometepe, which is an island in the middle of the Lake of Nicaragua which was formed by two volcanos, which are still active. There´s loads of swimming, hiking, and general amusement there, and it should be a blast. I can´t believe we leave in little over a week! Bah!
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